Istaiteyeh, Rasha (2025): Empowering Integration: The Jordan Compact’s Impact on Syrian Refugee Employment in the Labor Market. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS) 1(15): 1-10. DOI:  10.7176/RHSS/15-1-03. (Publisher, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE).

Istaiteyeh, R. (2025): Technological Horizon: Women in Jordanian Agriculture: Leveraging Innovation for a Competitive Edge. In :Alshurafat, H. and Beattie, C. (Ed.) Technological Horizons (Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds: 157-184. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83662-364-920251007

Istaiteyeh, Rasha (2025): Circular Economy Practices in Manufacturing Sector in Jordan. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development JESD 16 (1), 1-15. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/16-1-01. (Publisher, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE).


Istaiteyeh, Rasha and Raad Al-Tal (2024): The economic impact of COVID-19 on Syrian Refugees in Jordan: A review of existing evidence and policies. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 8 (7),1-22. https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.3881  (Publisher: EnPress Publisher LLC, USA).

Istaiteyeh, Rasha, Nasser, Lara and Qusai M.Talafha (2024): Economic and social factors and the impact of COVID-19 on the success and failure of women entrepreneurs: A study of governance context. Journal of Governance & Regulation 13 (3): 57–69. https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv13i3art5 (Publisher: Virtus Interpress: Ukraine).

Istaiteyeh, Rasha; Maysaʼa Munir Milhem; Ahmed Elsayed (2024): Efficiency Assessment and Determinants of Performance: A Study of Jordan's Banks Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit Regression. Economies 12 (2):  1-18. Doi.org/10.3390/economies12020037 (Publisher: MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Switzerland).

Istaiteyeh, Rasha : Maysa’a Munir Milhem; Farah Najem  and Ahmed Elsayed   (2024): Determinants of Operating Efficiency for the Jordanian Banks: A Panel Data Econometric Approach. Int. J. Financial Stud (12) 1:1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs12010012  (Publisher: MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Switzerland).


Istaiteyeh, R. (2023):  Unlocking the Economic Contribution of Returning Refugees to Their Home Countries - Concept note. In GAPs: De-centring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond. 29 November. Global Migration:  Consequences and Responses-Working Paper series. (Publisher: Zenodo, Switzerland) https://zenodo.org/records/10215044

Istaiteyeh, Rasha (2023): Enhancing Economic Prospects: Resolving Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science 14 (3): 10-16. DOI: 10.30845/ijbss.v14n3a2 (Publisher: The Brooklyn Research and Publishing Institute, USA)

Sahin-Mencütek, Z. Triandafyllidou, A., Barthoma, S,, Nimmer, M., Rottmann, S., Öztürk, N. and Istaiteyeh, R. (2023). “Framework paper on the concepts and typologies on returns, combined with four conceptual notes” in Global Migration: Consequences and Responses. V 1: (78), Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10021239    (Publisher:  Zenodo, Switzerland).



The Climate Risks and Self-Reliance Technical Working Group (TWG) has unveiled its brief on: Climate Risks and Displaced People Key Considerations for Self-Reliance Programming.


Istaiteyeh, R. (2023): Unlocking the Economic Contribution of Returning Refugees to Their Home Countries - Concept note.
De-centring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond.

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Short-and long-run influence of COVID-19 on Jordan's economy. Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Uppsala University


Framework paper on the concepts and typologies on returns, combined with four conceptual notes” in Global Migration: Consequences and Responses.
By: Sahin-Mencütek, Z. Triandafyllidou, A., Barthoma, S,, Nimmer, M., Rottmann, S., Öztürk, N. and Istaiteyeh, R.
Vol.1: 78, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.



Enhancing Economic Prospects: Resolving Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees in Jordan.
International Journal of Business and Social Science 14 (3): 10-16. DOI: 10.30845/ijbss.v14n3a2


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Istaiteyeh, Rasha and Farah Najem (2023): GDP and Inflation: New Story from a Developing World Case of Jordan”. Advances in Management and Applied Economics13(6):25-44


Istaiteyeh, Rasha; Farah Najem and Nahil Saqfalhait: Exports- and Imports-Led Growth: Evidence from a Time Series Analysis, Case of Jordan. Economies 11, 135,1-21.

The mediating role of employee job satisfaction. International Journal of Data and Network Science


Nancy Abdullah Shamaileh, Mohammad Mousa Eldahamsheh, Suleiman Alneimat; Istaiteyeh, Rasha, Islam A. Azzam and Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary (2023): The effects of smart human resources 4.0 on employee job effectiveness: The mediating role of employee job satisfaction. International Journal of Data and Network Science 7(2): 801-808.

DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2023.1.009

Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal


Perspective of Biopharmaceutics Knowledge and Practice of Pharmacy Personnel Toward the Effect of Medication Route and Medical Procedure on Nullifying Fasting. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 31(9):101747:1-7
Oqal, Muna ; Hijazi, Bushra ; Al Momany, Enaam; Almomani, Basima; Alqudah , Abdelrahim ;Alrosan, Amjad; Alshweiat, Areen; Istaiteyeh, Rasha; Alnajjar, Roaa; Bani Younes, Yazeed; Al-karra'ein , Ro'ya



COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among vulnerable groups: Syrian refugees in Jordan.
Qusai M Talafha; Amal Alhaidos; Ala Y AlSamman; Saja A. Abdallah; Istaiteyeh, Rasha; Wisam Nabeel Ibrahim; Ma'mon M Hatmal; Atiyeh M. Abdallah.
Vaccines 10(10),1634;1-10
Read more: https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10101634



Smoking Cessation Economic Benefits in a Human Capital Approach: Emerging evidence in Jordan.
Madae'en, Saba; Istaiteyeh, Rasha; Adeinat, Mohammad; Obeidat, Nour; Baninasur, Rasha and Mansour Haddad.

Pharmacia 69(4): 1081–1087.

DOI: 10.3897/pharmacia.69.e96801

ABAC Journal


Jordan’s Banks Profitability: A Closer Look on ‎Foreign and Domestic Banks".
Istaiteyeh, Rasha
and Milhem, Maysa’a.
ABAC Journal 42 (2). 320-347.
Read full article: https://doi.org/10.14456/abacj.2022.15



Economic Outlook: Solutions for Syrian Refugees in Jordan. Moving beyond Humanitarian Assistance: Supporting Jordan as a Refugee-hosting Country. In: Moving beyond Humanitarian Assistance.
Supporting Jordan as a Refugee-hosting Country. World Refugee & Migration Council (WRMC), Research Report, 24-30.



The Impact of COVID-19 on Syrian Refugees in Jordan. In: Challenges Facing Syrian Refugees and Jordan. Pressures From a Pandemic.
Istaiteyeh, Rasha

World Refugee & Migration Council (WRMC). Research paper, 14-20.



Kamal E. Bani-Hani; Jehad Alaedein; Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S. (2018): Empowering

Jordanian Women as Leaders in Higher Education:  The Case of The Hashemite University. The Social Sciences, 13: 969-981. DOI:


Haitham, Baibers; Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.; Kamal E. Bani- Hani (2018): Causes of Campus Violence as Viewed by Students Who Practiced Violence inside Universities. International Business Management 12(2):212-221. DOI:


Economic and Social Factors in Shaping Jordan’s Life Expectancy: Empirical Analysis (1990-2014).
Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S. (2017)
Advances in Management and Applied Economics. Vol.7, Issue 5: 45-59. (Publisher: Scienpress Ltd: UK) (ISSN: 1792-7544).

American Journal of Applied Sciences

Stationarity and Cointegration between Health Care Expenditure and GDP for Jordan.
Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.;
Ismail, Mohd Tahir (2017).
Vol.14, Issue 7, 682-689 (Publisher: Science Publications: USA)(ISSN: 1546-9239) . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2017.682.689

Business Perspectives


The Influence of Indirect Monetary Tools on Price and Output: the case of Jordan (1993-2013).
AL-Qalawi, Usama R.; Jemel, Hail; Alwaked, Ahmad, Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.
Banks and Bank Systems (BBS) Vol.12, Issue1: 8-13 (Publisher: Business Perspectives: Ukraine). (ISSN: 1816-7403). URL: https://businessperspectives.org/journals/banks-and-bank-systems/issue-192/the-influence-of-indirect-monetary-tools-on-price-and-output-the-case-of-jordan-1993-2013

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Physicians’ Circular Migration and Economic Consequence for Jordan.

Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.; Al-Qalawi, Usama Robin; Sarhan, Nael; Gaillard, Jacques.

International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol 7, Issue 7, 22-33.  (Publisher: Centre for Promoting Ideas: USA) (ISSN: 2219-1933). URL: http://ijbssnet.com/journal/index/3542

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Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S. (2016): Causality Analysis between Electricity Consumption and Real GDP: Evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 10, Issue 4: 526-540 (Publisher: International Economic Society: Turkey) (ISSN: 1307-1637). URL: http://www.econ-society.org/ijep_contents_10.4.php


Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.; Ismail, Mohd Tahir (2015): A Causal Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Export: Empirical Case For Jordan. Advances in Management & Applied Economics (5)4: 19-30. (Publisher Scienpress Ltd: UK) (ISSN: 1792-7544).


Milhem, Maysa’a; Istaiteyeh, Rasha, M. S. (2015): Financial Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks: Evidence from Jordan. Global Journal of Business Research (GJBR).V9, N3:27-42. (Publisher: The Institute for Business and Finance Research: USA) (ISSN: 1931-0277).

URL: www.theibfr.com/ARCHIVE/GJBR-V9N3-2015.pdf

Sarhan, Nael; Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S.; Alrawabdeh, Wasfi (2015): Masculinity and Femininity Cultural Value and Service Quality. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (I J A B E R) Vol. 13, No. 1: 273-286. (Publisher: Serials Publications Pvt.LtD: India) (ISSN: 0972-7302),

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286460924_Masculinity_and_femininity_cultural_value_and_service_quality

Abu Shiekhah, Nader; Sarhan, Nael; Abbad, Muneer; Istaiteyeh, Rasha M. S. (2015): The impact of personal characteristics and employees perception towards the objectivity of performance appraisal. Business and Economic Research Vol.5. Nr.2:170-190. (Publisher: Macrothink Institute: USA) (ISSN: 2162-4860).

URL: http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ber/article/view/7773


The impact of Human Capital Circular Migration on the Economy of Origin Countries: The Case of Jordan.

Istaiteyeh, Rasha (2011): Economic Development and Highly Skilled Returnees: The impact of Human Capital Circular Migration on the Economy of Origin Countries: The Case of Jordan. Kassel University Press, Germany. (ISBN 978-3-86219-084-3).

_The impact of Human Capital Circular Migration on the Economy of Origin Countries

Chapters in a Book

Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level

Istaiteyeh, Rasha (2012): Jordan’s Higher Exports and Circular Migration. In Knerr, Beatrice (Ed.): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level. Labour Migration Series Vol. 8, Kassel University Press, Germany, 203 – 224. (ISBN: 978-3-86219-208-3).

Book Cover

Istaiteyeh, R. (2024). Outstanding Support for Students Becoming a Social Entrepreneurship Course.

In: Alshurafat, H., Hamdan, A., Sands, J. (eds) Sustainable Horizons for Business, Education, and Technology. Contributions to Environmental Sciences & Innovative Business Technology. Springer, Singapore.

Sustainable Horizons for Business, Education, and Technology
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